How We Send Traffic

Traffic is sent to your site via a regular text link. We provide true clicked traffic that actually clicks on a standard text link of your domain name. If the domain of your site is, we give you a text link that reads mysite, unless your domain name is very long and then it will be shortened. You will only receive traffic that clicks on your domain name. This makes for a much more productive surfer because they wanted to go to your site and voluntarily clicked on your link to do so.


Where Traffic Comes From

100% of the traffic you receive from us will come from one domain only. After signing up you can request this information so you can enter it into your trading scripts (to check productivity) or to use your own stats counter to count the traffic. We have our own highly accurate traffic stats which you will be given access to. It's a good idea to add the domain to your traffic trading script to check the productivity so you can see for yourself just how productive our traffic is.

